Friday, March 29, 2013

Back to home base for now

We have been making our way back north over the last week, heading towards Ft. Lauderdale. When we are there we can get our engine and generator fixed and then head back down.

We have been waiting for favorable winds so we have been taking our time and enjoying the anchorages along the way. I'll post more about those when we're back to internet.


  1. Have been enjoying your blog and seeing your family's adventures since you posted over at ERE.

    Cant wait to do some real off shore sailing myself.


    1. Hi Shawn--I think I know you from ERE (sshawnn, right?). I didn't know you sailed. Thanks for reading; good to see you hear. Let me know how your travels go...

    2. Yup, that's me. I get to sail mostly in a wide spot in the Ohio river near Louisville, KY. I have a 14 ft Capri and sail with a friend that has a bigger Hunter.

  2. Okay so I feel like a dolt! I thought I was following your blog and come to find out I've actually been following Conrad and Mark's blog. As interesting and entertaining reading as it is, I was quite disappointed in (and surprised by) the lack of information in your blog. Imagine my delight when I discovered that I am actually an idiot and that you have been much more articulate. I've spent all night getting caught up on YOUR adventure and am completely hooked. Not that I expect you to want to come this far North when you're living in paradise but if you ever find yourself anywhere close to Jacksonville, FL, float on up the river (St. John's) and stop in.

    1. Lol, Julie. We will definitely let you know if we're up that way...


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