Sunday, September 1, 2013

Rain, rain, go away

Rainy day + new game from cousin Charlie = instant addiction
We have been living on the boat for over 8 months and, after 4 days of little to no sunshine, we had to for the first time turn on the generator to charge our battery bank. That's a pretty good run for our solar panels. But on the other hand, we feel like we have somehow failed.

Last night, Cousin Charlie stayed over on the boat and had sushi with us. Mark and Conrad were so excited. We had to keep telling Mark to stop touching Charlie and speaking to him very loudly inches from his face, so that Charlie could actually, you know, eat. Overnight there were strong storms.   Everyone except Mark woke because of the thunder and lightning and today it is pouring. But it is Labor Day weekend and there are some determined vacationers floating around on noodles in the water. In the rain.

Nana and Grandpa went home yesterday. We had a great visit with them. Unfortunately, they didn't get to go out for a sail because the weather and wind didn't cooperate (we did manage to get them soaked on one of the dinghy trips to the boat, though). They'll just have to come visit us somewhere sunny and warm.

In the next couple of days, we'll start heading south to visit some of Cape Cod that we missed on the way up. Then it's to the west where my parents will be meeting us in New York, and where I have an aunt, uncle, and cousins.


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